Docket Sheet

Devin Ralph and Timoney Knox LLP v. Reading City

OOR Dkt. No.: AP 2020-1271
Case Status: Partially Granted: Partially Moot



Eilers, Blake


Requests sought communications between attorneys representing the agency. Agency provided some responsive records on appeal. Agency properly interpreted the requests in part and proved that some records are protected by the attorney-client privilege and/or the attorney-work product doctrine, but did not prove this with regard to other records. Granted in part, denied in part, and dismissed as moot in part. Upon request for Reconsideration, the OOR is not permitted to accept new evidence on reconsideration. Reconsideration Denied.

Clause Exemption Result
Agency Invoked an Extension The agency invoked a 30 day extension to respond to the request.
Dismissed as moot Dismissed as moot
Privileged Privileged Partially Granted
Requester Granted Extension to OOR The requester granted the OOR a 30, 60, or 90 day extension to issue a final determination in the appeal.
2020-1272 Devin Ralph and Timoney Knox LLP v. Reading City
2020-1273 Devin Ralph and Timoney Knox LLP v. Reading City
2020-1274 Devin Ralph and Timoney Knox LLP v. Reading City
2020-1275 Devin Ralph and Timoney Knox LLP v. Reading City
Docket Entries
Filed Description Step Court Document
03/24/2021 OOR Denial of Petition for Reconsideration Petition for Reconsideration
03/16/2021 Requester submission in Petition for Reconsideration Petition for Reconsideration
03/10/2021 Agency Petition for Reconsideration Petition for Reconsideration
02/23/2021 OOR Final Determination Final Determination
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