Docket Sheet

John Sibley v. Lehigh County

OOR Dkt. No.: AP 2022-1249
Case Status: Denied



Eisenberg, Matthew


Requester sought information regarding an individual's firearms and license for said firearms. Agency proved the records are confidential under the Uniform Firearms Act. Denied.

Clause Exemption Result
Agency Invoked an Extension The agency invoked a 30 day extension to respond to the request.
Exempt under Another State Law Exempt under Another State Law Denied
Mediation Requested Mediation Requested
Requester Granted Extension to OOR The requester granted the OOR a 30, 60, or 90 day extension to issue a final determination in the appeal.
Docket Entries
Filed Description Step Court Document
08/01/2022 OOR Final Determination Final Determination
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